Upcoming Events


Donate to:

The WB Chad Simpson Memorial Scholarship Fund



Monday, January 20

Stated Meeting - Master Mason

Northwest Temple


Saturday, January 25th


York Lodge Fellowship Event

Hofbrauhaus Columbus 


Monday, February 3rd

Stated Meeting - Master Mason

Northwest Temple


Monday, February 17th

Stated Meeting - Master Mason

Northwest Temple








Pay Your Dues Online

 Welcome To York Lodge No. 563

reemasonry is the oldest, largest and most widely recognized fraternalF organization in the World. Founded in London, England in 1717, its current worldwide membership totals 3.6 million members, 1.6 million of which are in North America. With 87,000 Masons and close to 500 local Lodges, Ohio has one of the largest Masonic memberships of any state in the country.

York Lodge meets monthly on the first and third Mondays at the Northwest Masonic Temple, 2436 Dublin Granville Rd., Columbus, Ohio, and the Lodge opens at promptly at 7:00 PM.  Dinner is typically served at 6:00 PM.

Masonic visitors are always welcome!  If you are a Freemason and would like to visit, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., so that he can share the evening's agenda with you.


2024 Inspection